Test-driven development by example by Kent Beck

Test-driven development by example

Test-driven development by example download

Test-driven development by example Kent Beck ebook
Page: 240
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
ISBN: 0321146530, 9780321146533
Format: chm

I thought the book was well-organized. I see that some packages are using Tinytest. Feb 21, 2013 - In this tutorial, I will introduce the core concepts of TDD, and will provide examples in Python, using the nosetests unit-testing package. May 9, 2014 - In a recent keynote at RailsConf called Writing Software*, David Heinemeier Hansson argues that test-driven development (TDD) can harm the clarity of our code, and that clarity is the key thing we should be aiming for when writing software. I don't see any examples or anything like that. Here is an example of adding task in Kanban board. Mar 12, 2012 - If you haven't read Kent Beck's book Test Driven Development: By Example or Ken Pugh's Lean-Agile Acceptance Test-Driven Development: Better Software Through Collaboration, I would strongly encourage you to do so. Specflow is popular framework for acceptance test driven development. Jan 1, 2012 - For example, I use one metaphor when describing the business value of TDD with the organization's leadership, and another when describing the personal value to the members of the development team. Mar 28, 2014 - They may remember that Mark Pilgrim introduces testing, in fact he introduces TDD, in chapter 10. I don't see it mentioned anywhere in documentation or FAQ. Nov 23, 2010 - I spent some time working though TDD using C# over the last week. It's an excellent talk, and I would highly As a minimal counter-example, TDD doesn't stop you using terrible names for things. That book was very good and was focused on how to write good unit tests. Dec 1, 2009 - Book cover I earlier wrote about the book, The Art of Unit Testing, which I finished a while ago. I will additionally offer some alternative packages that are also available within Python. May 7, 2014 - ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development) or BDD using SpecFlow and Fluent Assertions. May 10, 2014 - Even when they talked about their alternative methods (Kent talking about times he doesn't use TDD, for example) they still always talked about having something to look at as an inherent part of the development process. Oct 20, 2012 - I don't see how to do test driven development in meteor. Each chapter has small-enough chunks of logic broken down and demonstrating his points was great.